Johnson County Homes & Schools


When searching for a home, most buyers find that their time is spent more productively if they choose one agent to show them all of the homes that interest them. When searching online, a search can be simplified by opening multiple related websites through a central source. We encourage you to use this site as a primary source of information related to home values and school systems in Johnson County.

To LOCATE A PROPERTY in Johnson County, and find out just about everything you'd ever want to know about it, including lot dimensions, square footage of the property, aerial images, schools and utilities that serve the property, and nearby amenities, check out this site, provided by Johnson County AIMS (Automated Information Mapping Service). The information is TERRIFIC, but the site is a little difficult to navigate. The strange looking map is the outline of Johnson County, with different colors representing the different cities within the county. When you do a "Search for Location," fill in the street number, one letter direction with no period, street name and two or three letter street type (St=Street, Ter=Terrace). If you have trouble getting the information you want, feel free to call us at 913-579-2420 for directions.

Shawnee Mission School District Blue Valley School District

Boundaries Maps

Boundaries Maps

Academic Performance
Academic Performance
Feeding Pattern and School Websites
Feeding Pattern and School Websites
District Calendar
District Calendar

DeSoto School District Olathe School District

Boundaries Maps

Boundaries Maps

Academic Performance
Academic Performance
Feeding Pattern and School Websites
Feeding Pattern and School Websites
District Calendar District Calendar

Gardner-Edgerton Schl Dist Spring Hill School District
Boundaries Maps
Boundaries Maps
Academic Performance
Academic Performance
Feeding Pattern and School Websites

Feeding Pattern and School Websites
District Calendars District Calendars